Sunday, August 6, 2023



Post -286


SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture by Gautam Shah


Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (1866-1944) was Russia born. An expressionist turned Abstract Painter of early 20th C. He graduated from Odessa Art School. His paintings reflect his love for music. He considered music to be an abstract medium that helps create an ‘art of high spiritual value rather than visual fidelity’.

Kandinsky, in 1911, declared ‘Must we not then renounce the object altogether, and instead lay bare the pure abstract?’

Kandinsky played a key role in forming ‘Der Blaue Reiter’, a group of avant-garde artists in Munich, which included Franz Marc and Paul Klee. He was a teacher at the Bauhaus Weimar(1922-1933), along with artists like, Josef Albers, Lazlo Maholy-Nagy, and Piet Mondrian. He believed that geometric forms, lines, and colours express the artist.

Kandinsky, once found one of his own paintings hanging upside down in his studio, and suggesting to him the potential power of abstraction.

Kandinskymade colour theory an important part of the Bauhaus curriculum, and his preoccupation with primary form (basic geometric shapes including the triangle, circle, and square) and primary colours (red, blue, and yellow)’ influenced the new generation of art.

This set contains more Images by Wassily Kandinsky on Art of Architecture and less of Abstract Art. 


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