Sunday, July 30, 2023



Post -285


SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah 


Paul Nash (1889-1946) was a multi-faceted surreal British artist. He was a romanticist and lyrical painter, who visualized the image through use of symbols and modernistic attitude. There are subtle effects of war in his depictions. He was a prolific and hugely talented artist, besides a keen photographer, writer, book illustrator and graphics artist. He designed stage scenery, fabrics and posters.

Paul Nash as a modernist painter, he greatly influenced the landscape art of early 20th C. The paintings he produced during WW-I are among the most scenic abstractions of the conflict.

Paul Nash began with formal style, but gradually shifted to abstract and surreal style. There are great many symbolic motifs in this later day art. He often juxtaposed simple day to day objects with the uncanny scenes and nocturnal landscapes to achieve a new mystical identity.

During student days Nash struggled with figure drawing, and that reflects the absence of it in his art. From 1930s, Nash began to capture the world around through a camera. He often waited for hours to capture the scenic composition or light-shadow structure. 



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