Course for Faculty of Design CEPT University Ahmedabad India > Jan 2015 offered by Gautam Shah
Human behaviour is evident in responses related to: Body, Environment, Space and the
BODY: The human behaviour is seen through body-limb movements or postures, gestures, and
as overt expressions in modes like speaking, writings, painting, etc as in expression and
communication. . Physiological components of behaviour show up in survival, health, well being
and comfort, spatial occupation with dimensional accommodation and fitments of the human-body,
task functionality. Human behaviour sensed through Cognition, Psychological factors, Sensorial
perception, Response mechanisms.
ENVIRONMENT: Environmental responses are of becoming aware of a space. These permeate
into a space depending on the spatial characteristics, such as the size, shape, sequencing,
quality of barriers, etc.
SPACE: Space is the setting where environment and cognition actualize concurrently. Nature
of cognition is one major factor that governs the Space experience. Environment is continually
variable and so a space experience is ever expounding. Some environmental conditions and
spatial features often occur in concert. And so we expect the presence of one to trigger the other.
OCCUPANTS: Occupants for cultural reasons or social norms show varied behaviour. It is also
affected by factors like age, sex, level of adaptation, familiarity, limb capacity, body-limb
coordination, sensorial abilities and reach extension tools, etc. Behaviour (even of lone beings)
is substantially in the context of ‘awareness’ of other human beings (and not necessarily the
physical presence). Forms of interpersonal relationships of various races and cultures are
different. The space, environment and the occupants together foster a social-contact mechanism.
List of Topics forming the Semester Course
1 HUMAN BEHAVIOUR : Space is the setting where environment and cognition actualize
concurrently. Environment is continually variable and so a
space experience is ever expounding. Space experience is
one major factor that governs the nature of cognition. Our
responses with other beings and social interactions regulate
what we share and empathise. Responses with other
occupants depend on the awareness about sex, age, stature,
need, social position, degree of familiarity, distance and
recognition (through cognition).
2 INHABITATION Possession and Occupation of a spatial entity are acts of
inhabitation. These acts allow a person or a group of persons
to establish a Role Locus (a stage or setting). A role locus is
established by delineating a territory and then recognising it as
a zone of effectuality. The territorial marking is a deliberate
creation, whereas recognising the zone of effectuality could be
both, conscious as well as subconscious action.
3 PLACE IDENTITY How an individual establishes a role locus is one of the most
important aspect of sociological responses. Possession and
occupation of a space immediately translates as to the degree
of social reactivity. It regulates the nature of interaction with
others, privacy, degree of accessibility or isolation, as reflected
in aloofness, loneliness, alienation, participation, leadership,
devotion, cohabitation, etc.
4 DOMAINS A domain is an ambit over which there is some form of control.
The domain could be a physical territory or an abstract
effectuality. The control could be through possession,
occupation, ownership, or authority. In case of territory the
controlled or dominated place is used as a space to proliferate
and survive. The abstract effectuality is an idea of a space,
exploited to sustain and proliferates the myth of a place.
5 DOMAINS AND SPACES Domains have Three basic constituents Formatted Space,
Environment and Individual/s. A domain, as a space, is a
segmented entity. Its primary segments are Core and
Peripheral zones. A core is usually single, but peripheral zones
are many. The core and peripheral zones often converge.
Different peripheral zones impinge over each other.
6 EXT AND INT SPACES Very vast exterior spaces are recognised for the endless
sensorial ‘effects’. Other exterior spaces are finite, shaped and
sized by bounding elements. The bounding elements are
natural, and exploited or improvised. Spaces for inhabitation
require greater degree of intervention then improvisation, and
so are designed. For each of this intervention the spatial
definitions are different. Very vast exterior spaces are
recognized through markings. Neighbourhood spaces are
known through their bounding elements. Whereas spaces for
inhabitation need an enclosure, often much more elaboration
then anything nature can offer or can be improvised upon it, so
are designed.
The enclosures of the interior spaces have varied levels of
transparencies. The openings in the shell allow escapes at
many places. The transgressions across the enclosure occur
as outward push and inward pull of the interior space. The
outward push or encroachments are often ‘costless’, though
may ‘load’ the enclosure (shell) body. It increases the interior
volume and permits a restrained exterior. The inward
intrusions, however, consume interior space or estate and
reduce the nett enclosed space.
7 SPACES SIZES - SHAPES Size and Shape of a space are perceived in terms of their utility
(functional adequacy), ergonomics requirements, past
experiences and sensorial reach capacities. The size and
shape together also define the nature of Core and Peripheral
zones of a Space. For any space, shape and size are two
major formative factors. The shape is an absolute function and
can have many different configurations. The size is a large
variant but is a relative function (to the human body). Within a
space various forms have interrelationships of proportions,
analogy, sequencing, proximity, etc.; all these are absolute
8 BEHAVIOUR IN SPACES The human behaviour results from many individual factors,
such as the cognition system, metabolism, past experiences,
etc. Perception of things and happenings results from cognitive
capacities, and physiological needs which are further moulded
by the inherited (intuitive) and learnt (intellectual) faculties. The
inhabitants behave in response to the presence of other beings
as well as the nature of communication (expression and its
perception) being used.
For a space designer the study of behaviour in response to
space is very useful because as it indicates how a person will
respond to a given setting. Alternatively one can predict how an
individual or group will behave in certain setting. The two-way
exchange between the space and the person is so rapid that is
not possible to separate cause and effects. Forms of Behaviour
are > Shift in space, Change of orientation, Orientation of the
body, Change of place, Anchoring to a place, Sequencing in
space, Movements, Aids for posturing, Postures, Open body
postures, Closed body postures, Eye level and focus,
Inclination of body, Synchronous or empathetic behaviour,
Designing for postures and relevant behaviour, Flexibility,
Expressions used for communication are intentional, and which
may not occur for any particular audience. Expressions for
aesthetic satiation are always intentional. Expression for
aesthetic satiation occur through representative forms like
singing, writing, art, craft, etc. The intent here is communication
of an abstract content, either for personal satisfaction or an
11 PRIVACY AND INTIMACY Behaviour in space is conditioned by two personal notions:
Privacy and Intimacy. Privacy is a personal notion and is
basically achieved by obscuring own self, or by isolating from
people. One can obscure own self by merging with background
or by becoming less perceptible. Isolation is achieved by
barricading and distancing. A person or group achieves
insulation through body posturing. By posturing one can adjust
the exposure, control the communication, command the
expression and re-calibrate the reach of the body as well as the
sensorial perception. Privacy can help overcome many
inhibitions through mental isolation. Psychological motivation
helps one to ignore some of the side effects of lack of privacy.
12 TASK SETTINGS Tasks are identifiable units of work at home or at places like
office, industry, etc. Tasks require specific setting. Task
settings are the parameters required to perform a task. The
parameters include space forms, environment, time
management, amenities, facilities, structures, enrichments and
social interactions. Tasks are attached to various entities like:
space forms, environmental conditions, structures, amenities
(these are attached to architectonic elements and are
relocatable ), facilities (these are integrated architectural
configurations and are mostly fixed, but sometimes
demountable), and other enrichments (these do not have
apparent functionality but add specific character or interest to
the space). Some tasks happen where there are chances of
intra-personal interactions. Tasks occur at places from where
some degree of command can be enforced over a larger
The habitable space with Amenities and Facilities
allows various tasks, but to endow a personal value,
a sense of belonging a space requires enrichments.
14 SPACE PLANNING Spaces need validation from time to time and on occasions.
The validation by a user is continuous one, but as handled by
a professional it is a contractual and periodical assignment.
The change in space by a user, a lay person, relates to the
rearrangements of the demountable and movable entities.
However, a contractual assignment to a professional is far
more encompassing, and may even reconfigure the space
shell. Domestic space planning is self authored where as
commercial spaces are rejuvenated by professionals.
Habitable spaces are substantially real and physical, but could
also have features that transcend the reality. Such conditions
occur because the human cognition sometimes functions
ambiguously. The subconscious human behaviour expresses
itself free from the rationality, restrictive customs and structural
The ambiguities in cognitive processes arise as the Time and
Space gets mixed up to produce incoherent and surprising
effects. The elements nominally distanced in time or space are
‘virtually’ juxtaposed in a make-believe world.
Time is seen as a measure of change, and Space is perceived
for its consistency (or even lack of it) over a time. The percepts
in time and space like the primitive man, watching a star and
noting its almost intangible movement in sky, or watching own-self becoming old, must be comprehended only in mind. To
note the difference, two such distinct frames must be
juxtaposed. This was done through expression (of behaviour)
for wider confirmation. When the dream and reality transcend
there is sense of ‘Avidya’ (lack of knowledge), a Maya as the
cause of illusion.
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