Sunday, June 23, 2024



Post -325

SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah

Thomas Cole (1801-1848) was Britain born, and America settled Painter. He was a romantic and realist painter of local American Landscapes. He was initially trained by a portrait artist.

Thomas Cole is credited to be the founder of the Hudson River school, a group of artist working along the river. He travelled on foot, sketching scenes with the pencil. These were used later, to compose paintings, during the winter period in the studio. He captured the virgin beauty of An American country side instead of America turning to industrial culture.

Thomas Cole was skilled in preparing large canvases of dramatic scenes, with minute detailing of elements as well as grand colour effects. He spent years in Florence. He implanted human figures for the make-believe sense of life. His compositions of landscapes were well managed but lacked innovations seen elsewhere in contemporary times. In his landscape there was greater emphasis on trees than architectural form. He used colour contrasts but not with the evocative sunlight. 



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