Sunday, June 16, 2024



Post -324

SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah

Charles-Théodore Frère (1814-1888) was a French Artist, of oriental locations (including Africa and the Near East). He painted architecture, desert climate life, and landscapes. Frère studied at the École des Beaux-Arts. He settled in Algiers in 1836, then in Constantinople from 1837 to 1839. In 1853, he opened a studio in Cairo and also became a painter of the court.

Frère was a prolific realist painter. He was good at integrating local people, animals and architecture, etc. in the landscape scenes. He portrayed local people sensitively without any class bias. He painted whatever was seen, truthfully. He became the leader of the ‘sympathetic art’ movement in France. He was charmed by the brilliant sunlight. He painted whatever was seen, truthfully. His natural portrayal of local people and places made many in France, aware about the ethnological value of their African colonies.


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