Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Post - 319


SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah


Fyodor Alekseyev (1753-1824) was a Russian landscape painter. His father was a guardian of the Academy of Sciences. He studied initially at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. In 1773, he was sent to Venice to specialize in decorative painting.

After Venice training, his early life was of struggle, spent as a decorator and set painter. But he learnt the craft of Landscape painting. He began to practice Plein air painting. Between 1793 and 1800, He visited cities and towns of southern Russia, painting local scenes and buildings. His work reflected the atmospheric warmth of Venice, rather than the cold and drab climate of Russian winters.

Alekseyev, contemporaries often called him the ‘Russian Canaletto’, in recognition of his masterful vedute.



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