Sunday, July 16, 2023



Post -283


SUNDAY Feature on Art of Architecture -by Gautam Shah 


Jonas Lie (1880-1940) was a Norway born, American painter. He came to the USA (at the age of 13 via Paris), and by the age of 40, with serene coastal scenes of New England and eastern Canada, he was one of the best-known landscape painters of his time.

Jonas Lie was known as an Impressionist artist with sense of brilliant saturated colours. He exploited the atmospheric effects at different times of day and seasons. But, he loved most the sunshine at the open sea-sides with minimal effect of the shadows. He painted trees standing tall, against the skies and terrain. His sails of the boats borrow the colours of the scene. He uses very few human being, but when he does that these are well configured.

His life and works, all revolved around the coastal areas, such as Plainfield, N.J., New York City and Cape Ann, Mass. 


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