Sunday, August 15, 2021



Post 189 -by Gautam Shah

Sunday Feature on Art of Architecture 


Lluis Rigalt (1814-1894) was Spanish painter and draftsman. He was born in Barcelona, in a family of artists. He, as a child was calm, melancholic, very quite person, disposed to contemplation of nature.

At the age 25 he was already famous as a master of landscape drawing. He became a professor of perspective at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona and appointed on academic merit by the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.

Lluis Rigalt executed many decorative jobs. He was a stage stenographer in 1850.

Catalonia values him more for historical documentation of buildings and scenes, than as an artist. He is considered the founder of the Catalan landscape school.

He moved around the city streets and the forests of Catalonia, with his pad and pencil, making fast sketches, rather than forming scenes within the walls of the studio. He was serious, hardworking and orderly. 


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