Sunday, March 3, 2024



Post -314

SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture by Gautam Shah


Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657-1743) was an Italian Baroque-era Architect, Painter, Set designer and Scenographer. Eight members of the Bibiena family (1690 to 1787) were court designers across Europe. They produced intricate settings for operas, weddings, and funerals, devising ornate motifs that inspired many. Bibiena also worked in Germany, France, and the Netherlands, London, Naples, Stockholm and St. Petersburg.

Bibiena was an expert perspective artist. He avoided the one-point convergent or axially balanced vanishing point views. He instead created scapes with diagonal axis, and multi-vanishing point angular views. With these techniques, he replaced the older style of architectural Capriccio. He detailed the architecture forms to present splendour and spaciousness.


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