Sunday, December 3, 2023




Post -301


SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -Gautam Shah


Oskar Schlemmer (1888-1943), was a German painter, sculptor and stage designer. He was connected with the Bauhaus, as a ‘Master of Form’ for nine years, until the Nazis took over the political reins. He was fairly independent as a painter, yet, in 1906, he enrolled at the Stuttgart Academy.

Schlemmer created paintings dealing with human figures and stylized female forms. In 1920, he joined Bauhaus to teach sculpture. In 1923, he took over as a Master of the Theatre Workshop, and produced an avant-garde production, the Triadic Ballet (1922), with puppet-like, 2D shapes, expressing the geometric human body.

In new Dessau building (1925), he used the new theatre facility to institute a series of spatial experiments to teach and explore architecture revealed through the theatre.


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