Sunday, October 29, 2023



Post -296

 SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah

Giacomo Guardi (1764-1835) was an Italian painter from Venice. He was the youngest son of famous veduta painter Francesco Guardi. He worked in his father’s studio and continued his father's line of work. He collaborated with his father for large formats and completed, many of his father’s large format oil paintings.

Giacomo, unlike his father, painted in mixed media and Gauche but in small formats. He also sketched in pen and grey wash. He painted with few atmospherically rendered scenes. He ‘continued with the Venetian Baroque art, at a time when Neoclassicism and Romanticism had come to prevail’. He did not achieve the level of originality and mastery of his father reached. 


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EUGÈNE GALIEN-LALOUE part -3 Other Scapes

  EUGÈNE GALIEN-LALOUE part -3 Other Scapes  . SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -Gautam Shah .  Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854-1941) ...