Sunday, May 28, 2023


Post -276


SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture by Gautam Shah


Edward Alexander Wadsworth (1889-1949) was a British painter, print-maker, draughtsman, and designer. He studied engineering in Munich, and art in his spare time at the Knirr School. He later attended Bradford School of Art and at the Slade School of Art.

Wadsworth loved the sea coast life and painted maritime subjects. He has worked in oil, tempera medium, prints with wood engraving and copper and wood cuts. Wadsworth started out with Impressionism, but, soon turned to futurist style. He was a member of a short-lived art movement, the Vorticist group.

Wadsworth, during 1914–15, produced geometrical abstract art with a Surrealistic flavour. During the first world war, he was assigned to design the dazzle graphics for the ships. These graphics were to confuse the enemy rather than camouflage the ship. He adopted the same style for production of abstract art. He began to use tempera in about 1922. In later part of life, (1934), he adopted a more naturalistic language, instead of Cubist temperament.

Wadsworth was described by Sir John Rothenstein as ‘a true poet of the age of machines’.


Sunday, May 21, 2023


 Post - 275


Sunday Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah


Ilmari Aalto (1891-1934) was a painter of Finland. He studied art at the Central School of Arts and Crafts (1907-1908) and at the Finnish Art Society drawing school (1908-1910). He was a member of the Expressionist November Group.

Aalto was aware of art trends across Europe and was affected by it. Aalto began his carrier with expressionism, after an exhibition in 1914 showed interest in Cubism and from 1928 turned to realism. After 1920, Aalto began to use oil colours like oil colours with large patches and brush strokes. The range of colours now was large. He used unmixed colours that offered sharper contours and contrast.

Aalto painted still lives, landscapes and portraits. Most of the landscapes are from Töölö and Suursaari area. He was a self-critical person who destroyed many of his works.

Expressionism was a movement that began as a reaction to Impressionism, from early part of 1900s. It involved art, music, theatre, literature and architecture. This was an expression of personal emotions, rather than the physical reality. Everyone used own sets of ‘tools’ to express the subjective feelings. For art, these were peculiar set of colours, brush strokes, illumination and even subject content.


Sunday, May 14, 2023



Post -274


SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah


Frederic Bazille (1841-1870) was a French Impressionist painter. He lived only for 28 years (died in war), yet his few works mark him as a pioneer painter of Impressionism.

Bazille travelled to Paris, in 1862, for a career in medicine, but turned to painting. Many of his first paintings are realists, but the en plein air (on site drawing) work allowed him to capture the fast varying light with quicker and bolder brush strokes. He produced larger paintings in his studio, from the fast sketches.

Bazille became known for his paintings of figures with landscapes setting, the style, which was followed by his contemporaries. Artists like him began to use brighter palette. His work had a sense of immediacy. He was a close friend of Monet, Renoir and Sisley.




  EDVARD WEIE EDVARD WEIE Post -349 Sunday Feature on ART of Architecture -Gautam Shah Edvard Weie (1879-1943) was born in Copenhagen, D...