Sunday, February 19, 2023



Post -262


Sunday Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah


Francisco Gutiérrez Cabello (1616-1670) was Spanish Baroque style painter specializing in fantasy architectural scapes, infused with historical-religious narratives. He was a skilled composer to integrate these two aspects. His landscape art specialization, could have taken place in the workshop. of Juan de la Corte.

Gutiérrez began composing wide imaginary scapes with rich architectural details. He practised perspectives, often trying out multiple versions for correct ‘point of view’ (almost like modern computer aided 3D dynamic). His views are believed to be inspired by engravings by Hans Vredeman de Vries.

Gutiérrez used fairly clear tones and brilliant colours. He also exploited chiaroscuro effect (Italian =light-dark), for shadows, and for endowing volumetric sense for objects and depth perception. These were tools that made perspectives as outstanding scenes.

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