Sunday, September 11, 2022


 Post -240

SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah

Wladimir Davidovich Baranoff-Rossine (1888-1944) was a Ukrainian, A Russian and French, avant-garde painter (Cubist-Futurist) and also an Inventor. His studied art in Odessa and St. Petersburg. He was a Jew, so taken by the Nazis to German, Auschwitz, concentration camp and killed there in 1944.

As an inventor he designed an Optophonic piano, synesthetic instrument, capable of creating sounds and synchronized coloured lights, patterns and textures (it was tried out at a performance at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow). He also experimented with colours for the military technique of camouflage.

Baranoff-Rossine ’s early works were Realist in nature, but over the years his sense of colour helped him to achieve composition and organization in his scapes. His sense of colour was excellent. He experimented with all types of media and styles like Cubism, Futurism and Orphism. He showed mastery of the portraiture including self-portraits in different styles. He created sculptural Dadaistic collages, which were too radical for the age.



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