Thursday, May 26, 2016


Post 141 -Gautam Shah

Interior Design as a profession is changing at a very fast pace. Today many different forms of interior design practices exist, ranging from

Pure design (only),

Design + Supply,

Design + Supply + Execute (install-fabricate-operate).

Frank Lloyd Wright Pope-Leighey House > Wikipedia image by Cliff from Arlington Virginia USA

These classifications arise due to ethical reasons (professional bodies, governmental regulations, etc.), taxation, traditions and business convenience. There was a time when Interior designer or decorator worked on a site or few sites, within the travelable region. In very large, complex and remotely located projects, however, it was not feasible, for the designer or their representative to be present all the time on a site, and conduct the projects. Interior Designers, as a result, gradually began to limit their work to design matters only, and let other agencies handle the supply and execution. The practice of employing or appointing ‘third party venders or contractors’ serves varying degree of efficiency, reliability and satisfaction, for corporate or government types of organized clients.
Print 1833 of Dome of Rock Jerusalem > Wikipedia image by Georg Dehio/ Gustav von Bezold

In recent years large number of holistic Interior Items and systems have become available. These vendors (such as of modular kitchens, Toilets, Ceiling, Acoustics+Ceiling, Painting and other surfacing, Glazing, etc.) offer complete installation services. So Amateurs and Lay-users prefer services of such supply-install venders.

Vendor-Supply Interior Design Practice through use of Catalogues (by James Shoolbred & Co. 1876) Wikipedia image
 On the other hand, small practice designers found it more convenient to mange execution along with design. Designer self executing their own design often worked, without premeditated scheme. Designers, who lacked the capacity to detail out or document a project, preferred this route. These small time designers or amateurs have a capacity of creating design images (representations like Isometric, perspectives, 3D images, etc.) which are used as presentations for enticing a client. These amateurs rely on known craftspeople who can execute the design from such images and workout the lacking details. 

Diagram of three corbel brackets at Chinese Hall by Official and architect Li Jie 1103 Wikipedia image by PericlesofAthens

There was a time when a Designer had to specify raw materials and the process of assembly or manufacturing to generate a product or a functional system. To check the suitability of the delivered product, and operative validity of the system, a series of tests and check parameters are also required. Very often these parameters remain worthless, because neither, the required level of manpower and testing equipments are available at a site, nor is it feasible to take the product or system from site to such locations.
Jasper Morrison Furniture in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs > Wikipedia image by Gael Chardon from Paris France
 Design needs are now documented in terms of ‘performance specifications’ or optimum operative functionality to be attained by the vendor or contractor, with their choice technological input (materials or manufacturing). This type of modern design documentation requires high level of skill input, technological knowledge-ability and professionalism. Amateur or untrained (hobbyists) interior designers do not have such proficiencies.
Documented design by Robert de Cotte 1700s

The separation of design and execution, is also favourable arrangement from point of view of Taxation. Pure Design practice is liable for simple taxation like Service Tax. In Design + Supply practice, a designer may be liable to pay other taxes (Sales Tax, etc.). Design + Build practice, is though an accepted norm in many countries of the world.
McElroy Octagon House on Gough st San Fransisco Cal 1891 Credit Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division WIS,28-WATO,1-
Interior Design like any other Design profession, is a dependent profession. Interior designers work in conjunction with other design professionals, needing interior design inputs in their projects, such as Architects, Building engineers, Landscape designers, Furniture and Product designers, Exhibition and Event managers. Interior designers also use expertise of other professionals for their work. These include environmental engineers, ecologists, furnishing experts, textile designers, painters, sculptors, and an array of crafts persons.
Pixabay Free image by stokpic
 Some degree of specialization is becoming apparent in Interior Design. Some of the major fields to have distinct identities within the ambit of Interior Design are: Hospitality or hotel design, Entertainment facilities, Public space design (air ports, railway stations), Exterior design or Street architecture, Exhibitions and events planning, Retail designing, Transport interior design. These fields naturally demand a varied manner of design approach and handling.

1 comment:

rrelitespacedesign said...

Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful blog. I've learnt a lot from this. I hope you continue creating more content like this.

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