Saturday, May 9, 2015


Post 122 -  by Gautam Shah
Human body is continuously in some postural form. Postures are transient body positions. Some occur involuntarily such as in sleep or without one being aware or in control of it. Postures taken with intent are very important for designers. Designers design products with consideration of human postures. An interaction with a product is through perception, recognition, admiration, reach, avoidance or manipulation. Postures allow task handling. Posturing also promotes expression, communication and social encounters with individuals and groups of persons.
Postures are taken for change in body position, transition from place to another, for reorientation, for exercise, for relaxation and for engagement with spatial elements. Posturing is at the expense of energy and so we avoid it as much as possible, unless it is for relief of tedium or to regain equilibrium. One can reposition the objects, reshape the surroundings, change the environment, and force recast the connection with other beings or group.

Metric Live at Coachella Music Festival

Most of the body postures occur by the movement of the limbs. But these capacities differ with age profiles, physiological ailments and from person to person. Postures need tools, amenities and facilities. These help in terms of support, rest and for reach.

Similar chairs different postures
Certain body positions, patterns and movements suggest specific emotions. Postures are reinforcing so create empathetic and emphatic images, and so are exploited to gain understanding from others. Postures are also used for offensive and defensive and non-involvement purposes. Postures directly and abstractly convey the state of interpersonal relationships, social standing, personality traits such as confidence, submissiveness, and openness, current emotional state and temperament.

Posture could have many variations within a basic theme. The variations are micro postures or gestures which express or communicate complex concepts metaphorically. Gestures or micro changes of the body help tune in the sensorial perceptions. Gestures are often precursors of major postural changes.

Designers, who create utility products, be they, architects, interior designers, product designers, furniture designers, etc. use postures and posturing capacities as aids for the function system. A posture often requires physical support or an aid. But in many situations a reachable support, its indicative presence or its physical proximity (as an assurance) serves the same purpose.

Johnson Impeachment Committee each one in a different posture

Postures’ support structures of tools, amenities, facilities and architectonic elements may not be versatile enough to provide all the required proficiencies, some degrees of personal adjustments are required to achieve the intended purpose. Designers generally select anthropometric design parameters that are purposive to 90 percentile users.

waiting for Bus -different postures 

Designing for postures is not sufficient one must perceive the behaviour happening with it. Normally a designer designs for important poses of behaviour sequences. But some flexibility within the postural pose is required. The flexibility relates to minor changes for relaxation, resetting the body rhythms and facility to conduct momentary postural variations.
Postures are axially balanced or skewed. A balanced posture is axially congruent, so is considered nominal position, but not necessarily longer lasting one. A skewed posture reflects the readiness to transit to another posture. This may be due to shift in interest or boredom. Both systems of postures may need some support management. In the first case the support must be subtle, almost imperceptible, but in the second case the support should be obvious one.


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