Sunday, September 21, 2014


Post 103 -by Gautam Shah

 One needs to find a place in a space. The place is not a pre-existing entity, but one that evolves with the relationships one establishes with the elements of the environment. The relationships are very often fleeting, and so the place in the space is evanescent. Finding a place in space for in-habitation is a far more complex process than this temporary positioning.
The process of finding a place in space occurs for known spaces as well as alien environments. In a familiar space and occupied by known persons, it is the purpose of being in the place that will regulate where and with whom one wants to be, or even not to be. For strange places, the intent to visit the place may pre-exist, or gets arranged as the space begins to actualize. The place in space develops as the space evolves.

The place in space is mainly for absorbing and exploiting the features of the space, and secondarily for recognizing and connecting with other occupants of the space. At another level the place is used for transiting to an appropriate orientation and body posture, and for deciding on the next place for occupation.

The encounter with the space is one continuum, which develops with improvisations. The approach to a reasonable place initiates the next process that of orienting own self. Orienting own self to elements and people in the space potentiates new relationships. Some levels of judgements regarding the orientation though may have already been pre-formed.

The advance to a place and forming an orientation is for finding a place of securing or stabilizing. One may occupy such place or simply orient to it by maintaining a ‘non-committal’ distance. A non-committal distance is observed for both, people and objects. It depends on the perceptive faculties, degree of intra-personal relationships desired, the nature of solace and support required from the spatial elements, and how much one wants to be exposed.

During the approach to place, while being in the place, and through resolving the orientation, one begins to posturise the body. Some form of a stable version of the posture occurs at the place in space. The body orientation and posture, both represent a moment of conclusion. One has found an anchorage, a place in space worthy to be.

One shifts from place to place, takes on varied postures, to not only express own self but be perceptive. Through it one exploits spatial features such as elements (facilities, amenities, gadgets, tools, natural and architectural entities) and environmental causation for next set of action (change), expression, communication and perception.


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EUGÈNE GALIEN-LALOUE part -3 Other Scapes

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