Saturday, June 30, 2012

What do you write in Interior Design Plans

What do you write in Interior Design Plans?

An interior Design schematic presentation or 'Plan' is required for several purposes. In later part of middle ages, it was required when designers began to work out of their design studios or city based offices, rather then working on the site workshops. This was required as a city based or fixed address design office allowed greater interaction with the urbane client. Site based work could be left to a contractor (vendor) if the execution agency is provided with complete set of working drawings. Complete documentation of design intentions helped in two manners. It rationalized the design creation and also stream-lined the execution processes. The design documentation creators and interpreters, both were technology proficient people, and as a result the communication was smooth.

The problems of 'Interior Design Plan' were occurring at another level. The client wanted to perceive the Interior Design scheme before execution started. The nominal and 'adequate' ortho graphic system of Plan, Section and Elevation was not working with a lay person like client. Clients wanted an 'in-depth' visualization. Isometric and Axonometric projections were not sufficiently correct images. Perspective renderings were used for the purposes. This renderings showed the space 'in-depth', in color and texture.

Such detailed renderings very limited in numbers, could not give justice to the exclusive finishes and effects. These inputs or back-up had to be offered by way of oration. The orations were often too elaborate and unreliable.

'Interior Design Plan' today include such explanatory details as writings. So the usual rule is whatever you cannot detail-explain through drawing language mechanics, must be presented in writings.

There is a need to write Interior Design Plans for law agencies. Here often drawing details-explanations are likely to be interpreted differently from the original intentions. Such situations need a backup in writing.    

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