Sunday, August 30, 2020

Mariano Barbasán Lagueruela


Mariano Barbasán Lagueruela  

Post 153 

SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -by Gautam Shah  

MARIANO BARBASÁN LAGUERUELA  (1864-1924) He was a Spanish painter of genre scenes and cityscapes. He worked in Realist style, but later with effects of Impressionist style.

After attending the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos in Valencia, he shifted to Madrid. Here in Toledo, he began with historical and theatrical paintings. He with little pension, continued his studies at the Spanish Academy in Rome. Mariano now exclusively worked on genre painting. He was not well known in Spain, until his final return to Zaragoza.

Mariano Barbasán used brilliant colours, full of sunshine and contrast. He used short brush strokes that later turned into impressionist styling. The elements of his compositions like buildings, generally fill up the entire frame with little space for sky. His paintings are always full of people and life.



Sunday, August 23, 2020


Post 152 

SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture by Gautam Shah  
MICHAEL ANGELO ROOKER (1746-1801), was a British, watercolour and oil painter, illustrator, scene designer, engraver and print-maker. He innovated a ‘colour scaling technique’ for making subtle variations across a range of values or hues. He also used the gray wash to build his forms by varying the tinge of shadows from warm to cool or suggest the reflected colours under them.

EUGÈNE GALIEN-LALOUE part -3 Other Scapes

  EUGÈNE GALIEN-LALOUE part -3 Other Scapes  . SUNDAY Feature on ART of Architecture -Gautam Shah .  Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854-1941) ...